November 7, 2007
How would you respond to this?

October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween

Okay, so every year the company I work for holds a costume contest for all 250-plus employees in each of its nine offices. I've got to say, even though I don't know who everyone is at the other offices, based on the costumes that come out each year, PMC has some very creative and twisted individuals working for them. Being located where my office is, we are blessed with one of the smaller and more intimate staffs. As you may have guessed, everyone at my office likes to have fun. Heck, how often do you find someone willing to dress up like my boss Mark (aka: the brothel maiden) did on Halloween in an attempt to score us all a free lunch at the local tavern (the grand prize).

October 28, 2007
I Love My Family

October 24,2007
Welcome to the Video Vault

The videos were bogging things down so much that I had to send them to their own special corner of Willow's World. If you want to see them, click here.

October 14, 2007
Sundays Are Special

Today we drove to Medicine Lake Highlands, a collapsed, dormant shield volcano located northeast of us. It wasn't spectacular, but it sure was nice being together.

October 7, 2007
Yoga in the Park

October 6, 2007
Tis' the Season to Visit the Pumpkin Patch

Today was a beautiful fall day. So after nap time we hopped in the truck and headed to Hunter Orchards for our yearly dose of pumpkins, Indian corn (or is it Native American corn) and enough apples for pie. As always, Willow's favorite pumpkins were the tiny ones. In fact, the very first one she saw, she grabbed and carried home. (Unfortunatley, it was part of a farm stand display.) Of course, we now have enough pumpkins to build an army of jack-o--lanterns. It will be interesting to see how many more we come home with in a few weeks when Willow and I visit another pumpkin patch during a field trip for Willow's preschool.

October 2, 2007
Bath Time

September 30, 2007
A Day at the Natural History Museum

For our little naturalist, it doesn't get much better than a day at the natural history museum. She got in an enclosure with a few hundred birds, a few of which she actually fed, chased butterflies in the butterfly exhibit, saw all sorts of fish, and even took in an animal performance (kind of cute). Hard to believe that this is available here in the north state, but we sure are grateful that it is. Kudos to Turtle Bay.

September 29, 2007
A Typical Weekend Morning


September 18, 2007
A Typical Morning


September 15, 2007
Grammy Jane Is At My House

September 13, 2007
Fall Is Coming

I guess I may have spoken a bit early the other day. Today was slightly drizzly, the nights are dipping into the forties and I'm beginning to ponder wearing pants and shoes instead of my standard shorts and flip flops. I'm sure I'll hold out until I absolutely have to, but the weather is certainly beginning to change. It must be about time to go pick some apples.

September 9, 2007
Summer Is Still Here

Despite the cool mornings and evenings, summer is still here. That means Willow is outside as much as possible. When she's not sneaking almost ripe tomatoes or rummaging through pears beneath the tree, she is educating her baby about the wilds of the world. Whether she is sharing some of her vast knowledge of rolly pollies, spiders, bats or birds, it is always a delight to eavesdrop on the lesson. Whatever it is that she chooses to focus on in her life, I believe she will take great pleasure in sharing it with others.

September 6, 2007
A Kiss For Baby

Okay, so it has been a while since the site was last updated. As some of you know, I recently overexposed a weekend's worth of photos and couldn't salvage a thing. Hoping to stem the flow of emails wondering where Willow is, I have attached the above blurry photo to prove that she still exists. (Kind of like Bin Laden or the Loch Ness Monster, but much sweeter and cuter.) I wish I had a better offering, but it's mighty tough to get a decent shot of a little girl rocking her baby in low light. Maybe it is finally time to invest in a flash. Look for more, hopefully better, photos in the not too distant future.

August 26, 2007
A Walk in the Woods

August 18, 2007
Excuse Me Miss, Do You Have a License?

Darn Right!

August 9, 2007
Lunch in the Park

I love it when Juliane and Willow meet me in the park for lunch. Talk about a pleasant break from sitting in front of the computer. Yummy food, smiling faces, shrieks of laughter, and views of the mountains all around. Life sure is beautiful.

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